Pass UL 9540A with a Fike BHA: Testing & System Design
Fike is the first safety solutions provider in the world who can both help ensure you’ll pass UL 9540A and design a fire protection system equipped with the world’s only solution proven to suppress cascading thermal runaway, Fike Blue™.
Learn how Fike can help develop a solution to optimize the protection of your energy storage system against thermal runaway.
Save Time & Money with a Fike Battery Hazard Analysis
A Fike BHA determines and validates the protection approach using Fike Blue as the thermal management and fire protection solution to protect lithium ion battery assemblies from thermal runaway.
If you're a manufacturer or an owner of ESS's, a Fike BHA ensures that your ESS equipped with Fike Blue will pass UL 9540A certification at a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), will meet local AHJ (authorities having jurisdiction) requirements, and most importantly, will keep nearby people and property safe.
A Fike BHA will...

Provide empirical data that your ESS will pass UL 9540A
Design and document the protection system, including amount of Fike Blue, nozzle types, detection methods, and more
- Identify the number of cells and modules exhibiting thermal runaway
- Measure the peak amount of heat release
- Ensure wall surface temperature maintains below 97℃ and measures heat flux
- Visualize the test in easy-to-read diagrams, graphs and pictures
- And much more
Here’s How a Fike Battery Hazard Analysis Works:
- 1
Contact Fike to determine your goals with the BHA
- 2Work with Fike to help design a fire protection system (see below)
- 3
Ship your ESS unit equipped with the fire suppression system (if applicable) to our large-scale testing facility
- 4
The BHA will begin by heating one battery cell to the point in which thermal runaway occurs
- 5The fire suppression system will activate (may run multiple tests with different solutions for comparison)
- 6The ESS will be observed for several days to ensure reignition does not occur
- 7
You will then receive the BHA report within just a few weeks of testing
Need System Design Support?
Whether you are in the process of engineering a new ESS solution or are looking to retrofit an existing ESS with a safer fire protection system, Fike is uniquely capable of helping you meet your safety goals.
We can work with your team to design a fire protection system that accounts for all of the unique variables within your ESS, including its volume and dimensions, its number of cells per module and modules per unit, and its battery type and chemistry.
Our team will help you run flow calculations and flow rates to ensure Fike Blue is delivered reliably into the module, will determine which Fike detection devices are ideal for you from both speed and cost perspectives, and much more.