Fike Blue

Stop Cascading Thermal Runaway in Energy Storage

Thermal runaway of a lithium battery cell results in an uncontrollable rise in temperature and propagation of extreme fire hazards within an energy storage system (ESS).

It was once thought to be impossible to suppress a cascading thermal runaway event, until now with Fike Blue™.

Download the white paper to learn how we did it.

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How Fike Blue Makes Energy Storage Safe

Fike Blue cooled our internal module temperatures from several hundred degrees celcius to under one hundred degrees and prevented cascading thermal runaway in most of our battery cells—a true engineering breakthrough.

Omri T., Director of Mechanical Engineering | Jule

The threat of thermal runaway is why energy storage systems are deployed to collect renewable energy almost exclusively in remote areas. However, because Fike Blue solves the problem of thermal runaway, the full adoption of renewable energy production and storage within populated areas is now possible!

Explore Fike Blue™

Pre-UL 9540A Testing, System Design & Consultancy

Do you need guidance to help pass a UL 9540A test and prevent wasted time and money? Do you have questions about how to most effectively protect an ESS from thermal runaway?

Fike is the only safety solutions provider in the world who can perform a Battery Hazard Analysis (BHA) and design a protection system with Fike Blue, helping ensure you’ll pass the UL 9540A test. 

Learn More About Fike BHAs

Fike Partners with:


And thousands more.

Fike Corporation is a global industrial safety manufacturer with more than 75 years of experience in developing trusted solutions to protect people and critical assets

About Fike

A Family Dedicated To Protecting Yours

Fike Corporation is a global industrial safety solutions provider dedicated to ensuring workers return home every day to their families. We offer world-class consultancy services for industrial processes facing fire, explosion or pressure-related hazards, and we manufacture, test, design, install and commission reliable safety systems to meet your regulatory requirements and keep your workers safe.

Since 1945 Fike has continued to innovate its safety offerings to expand into the world’s ever-evolving industries. With the growing need for the protection of battery hazards, Fike has dedicated countless resources to developing the world’s first chemical agent that suppresses cascading thermal runaway and offers BHA (Battery Hazard Analysis) services to ensure ESS systems are safe for deployment in nearly any environment.

Because so much is at stake™
